List of Streets in the National Street Gazetteer
Street look-up
This is a list of the names, locations and an indication of maintenance responsibility for all streets within the National Street Gazetteer – listed by local highway authority.
This list should only be used as an indication of whether a street is publicly maintainable or not. Full detail and extent of maintenance responsibility should be obtained from the relevant local highway authority.
For more information on street status, and how to report a street that might be missing, please use our FAQs.
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Bath & North East Somerset
Map Link |
Street Name
Locality | Town | Status | Maintaining Party | Classification |
Map | FOOTPATH CLAREMONT GARDENS | HALLATROW | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CLARENCE STREET TO LYNDHURST TERRACE | WALCOT | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CLARKS WAY TO BREACHWOOD VIEW | ODD DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CLEEVE GROVE TO MENDIP CLOSE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH CLEVEDON ROAD TO NORTON RADSTOCK GREENWAY | WELTON | MIDSOMER NORTON | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CLEVELAND WALK TO NORTH ROAD | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH CLIFFORD DRIVE | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH COBBLERS WAY TO UPPER COURT | WESTFIELD | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH CONWAY GREEN | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH CONWAY GREEN TO EVENLODE AVENUE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH COOMBEND RISE | RADSTOCK | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH COOMBE PARK TO CEDRIC ROAD | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CORFE CRESCENT | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH CORONATION AVENUE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH CRANMORE PLACE TO FROME ROAD | BLOOMFIELD | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CRANWELLS PARK TO SION HILL | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CRESCENT VIEW | LYNCOMBE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH CULLIMORE'S LANE | KELSTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DARLINGTON PLACE TO BATHWICK HILL | BATHWICK | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DARLINGTON ROAD TO BECKFORD ROAD | BATHWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DARTMOUTH AVENUE | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DAY CRESCENT | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DENMARK ROAD TO CALEDONIAN ROAD | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DENMARK ROAD TO DORSET CLOSE | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DEVONSHIRE ROAD TO BATHAMPTON LANE | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DILLY MEADOWS TO BRISTOL ROAD | WEST HARPTREE | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DOMINION ROAD TO OUTSIDE 35 | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DORSET STREET TO BROUGHAM HAYES | WESTMORELAND | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DORSET STREET TO DORSET CLOSE | OLDFIELD PARK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DOVERS LANE | BATHFORD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DOVERS PARK TO DOVERS LANE | BATHFORD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DOWNSWAY | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DUCHY ROAD TO FOSSEWAY | CLANDOWN | RADSTOCK | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH DURHAM GROVE TO QUEENS ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH EASTFIELD AVENUE TO GREENACRES | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH EASTOVER GROVE | ODD DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH EASTOVER ROAD | HIGH LITTLETON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ECKWEEK GARDENS TO BEACON FIELD | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ECKWEEK LANE TO WESTBURY VIEW | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH EDEN PARK DRIVE TO FOSSE LANE | BATHEASTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH EDGECOMBE MEWS | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ELDON PLACE TO DAFFORD STREET | LARKHALL | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ELLISTON DRIVE TO LANGDON ROAD | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ELM GROVE | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ELM GROVE TO THE OVAL | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ELMHURST ESTATE TO FOSSE LANE | BATHEASTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ENGLISHCOMBE LANE TO SOUTHDOWN ROAD | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ENSLEIGH AVENUE TO HOPTON WAY | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ENTRY HILL PARK TO IVY BANK PARK | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH ENTRY HILL TO IVY BANK PARK | LYNCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FAIRFIELD TERRACE TO STEEL MILLS | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH FAULKLAND VIEW TO ECKWEEK LANE | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FERNDALE ROAD ALONG GLOUCESTER ROAD | LOWER SWAINSWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FORESTER COURT | BATHWICK | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FOSSE WAY COTTAGES | WESTFIELD | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH FOX AND HOUNDS CAR PARK TO AVON ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH FOX HILL TO MULBERRY WAY | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FRANKLAND CLOSE TO CHANDLER CLOSE | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FREEVIEW ROAD TO DOMINION ROAD | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FREEVIEW ROAD TO HANNA CLOSE | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FROM CHURCH HILL ALONGSIDE THE OLD BREWERY | FRESHFORD | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FROME ROAD TO BLOOMFIELD RISE | ODD DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FROM LONDON STREET TO THE PARAGON | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH FROM MILK STREET TO AVON STREET | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GOLDNEY CLOSE | TEMPLE CLOUD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GORES PARK | HIGH LITTLETON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GREENACRES TO LANSDOWN LANE | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GREENBANK GARDENS | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GREENBANK GARDENS TO CROWN ROAD | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GREEN CLOSE TO HIGH STREET | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GREEN CLOSE TO WEIR CLOSE | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GREENFIELD WALK TO GREENHILL ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH GROSVENOR BRIDGE ROAD | LAMBRIDGE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH GUINEA LANE TO THE PARAGON | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HALLATROW ROAD TO HIGH PARK | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HANTONE HILL | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HARDINGTON DRIVE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HARPSICHORD WAY TO THE DRUMWAY | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HARTS PADDOCK TO MONGER LANE | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HATFIELD BUILDINGS | WIDCOMBE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HAWTHORN GROVE | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HAWTHORNS LANE TO CARPENTERS LANE | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HAYCOMBE DRIVE | WHITEWAY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HAYES PARK ROAD TO HAYES ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HENRY STREET TO NORTH PARADE BUILDINGS | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HERMES CLOSE TO VERNON CLOSE | SALTFORD | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HIGH BANNERDOWN | BATHEASTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HIGHMEADOWS TO UNDERHILL LANE | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HIGH STREET TO HAM GARDENS | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HIGH STREET TO MEMORIAL PARK | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HIGH STREET TO THE ISLAND | MIDSOMER NORTON | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HINTON VILLAS | HINTON CHARTERHOUSE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLCOMBE CLOSE TO WARMINSTER ROAD | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLCOMBE GREEN TO BROOKFIELD PARK | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLCOMBE GROVE TO ASHCROFT AVENUE | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLCOMBE LANE TO DARK LANE | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLCOMBE VALE TO DARK LANE | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLLOWAY TO WELLS ROAD | WIDCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLLOWAY TO WELLS ROAD | LYNCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | FOOTPATH HOLLY WALK | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |