List of Streets in the National Street Gazetteer
Street look-up
This is a list of the names, locations and an indication of maintenance responsibility for all streets within the National Street Gazetteer – listed by local highway authority.
This list should only be used as an indication of whether a street is publicly maintainable or not. Full detail and extent of maintenance responsibility should be obtained from the relevant local highway authority.
For more information on street status, and how to report a street that might be missing, please use our FAQs.
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Bath & North East Somerset
Map Link |
Street Name
Locality | Town | Status | Maintaining Party | Classification |
Map | PATH LINKING WELTON VALE AND ROCK ROAD | WELTON | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PAULMONT RISE | TEMPLE CLOUD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PAULTO' HILL | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PAULTON LANE | CAMERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PAULTON ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PAULTON ROAD | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PAULTON ROAD | FARRINGTON GURNEY | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PAULTON ROAD | HALLATROW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | B road |
Map | PAULWOOD ROAD | TEMPLE CLOUD | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PEACOCK WAY | SOUTH STOKE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN BY-PASS | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road |
Map | PEATS HILL | PUBLOW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PELICAN CAR PARK | CHEW MAGNA | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENNARD GREEN | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENN GARDENS | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENN HILL LANE | QUEEN CHARLTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENN HILL ROAD | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PENN LEA ROAD | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENNSYLVANIA VIEW | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENNYQUICK | NEWTON ST LOE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PENNYQUICK HILL | WHITEWAY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PENNYQUICK VIEW | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PENSFORD HILL | PENSFORD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road |
Map | PENSFORD LANE | STANTON DREW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PENTHOUSE HILL | BATHEASTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PEPPERSHELLS LANE | COMPTON DANDO | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PEPYS CLOSE | SALTFORD | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PERA PLACE | WALCOT | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PERA ROAD | WALCOT | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PERCY PLACE | LAMBRIDGE | BATH | Street for addressing purposes only | Street for addressing purposes only | A road |
Map | PERCY TERRACE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PERFECT VIEW | WALCOT | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PERRIN CLOSE | TEMPLE CLOUD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PERRY CLOSE | WESTFIELD | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PERRYMEAD | LYNCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PERRYMEAD HILL | LYNCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PERRY MEAD ROAD | HINTON BLEWETT | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PETERSIDE | TEMPLE CLOUD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PHILIP STREET | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PHILLIS HILL | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | B road | |
Map | PICCADILLY PLACE | WALCOT | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PICKWICK ROAD | FAIRFIELD PARK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIERREPONT PLACE | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIERREPONT STREET | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road |
Map | PIGEON FIELD | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PILGRIMS WAY | CHEW STOKE | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PINE COURT | CHEW MAGNA | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PINE COURT | RADSTOCK | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PINE COURT | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PINES WAY | RADSTOCK | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PINES WAY | WESTMORELAND | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road |
Map | PINES WAY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE | WESTMORELAND | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PINE WALK | WESTFIELD | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PINEWOOD AVENUE | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PINEWOOD GROVE | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PINEWOOD ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PIONEER AVENUE | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIPEHOUSE | FRESHFORD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIPEHOUSE LANE | FRESHFORD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIPPIN CLOSE | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIT LANE | NEMPNETT THRUBWELL | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | PITMAN COURT | LOWER SWAINSWICK | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIT ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PITT'S LANE | CHEW MAGNA | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PITWAY CLOSE | FARRINGTON GURNEY | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PITWAY LANE | FARRINGTON GURNEY | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PIXASH LANE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PIXEY HOLE LANE | NEMPNETT THRUBWELL | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PLEASANT PLACE | BATHFORD | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PLOVERS RISE | RADSTOCK | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PLUMPTRE CLOSE | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PLUMPTRE ROAD | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PODGERS DRIVE | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POETS CORNER | WESTFIELD | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | POLDEN WALK | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | POLICE LANE | PENSFORD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POOL BARTON | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | POOLEMEAD ROAD | WHITEWAY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POOR HILL | FARMBOROUGH | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POPE'S WALK | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POPLAR CLOSE | MOORLANDS | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POPLAR ROAD | ODD DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PORLOCK ROAD | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PORTLAND PLACE | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PORTLAND ROAD | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POTTS CLOSE | BATHEASTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POWLETT COURT | BATHWICK | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POWLETT ROAD | BATHWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | POW'S HILL | CLANDOWN | RADSTOCK | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | POWS ORCHARD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | POWS ORCHARD CAR PARK | MIDSOMER NORTON | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PRESSBARROW FARM LANE | PRISTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PRIDDY CLOSE | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PRIESTDOWN LANE | PUBLOW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PRIMROSE ALLEY | STANTON PRIOR | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PRIMROSE HILL | UPPER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | PRIMROSE LANE | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PRIMROSE WALK | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PRIMROSE WAY | MIDSOMER NORTON | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | PRINCES BUILDINGS | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |