List of Streets in the National Street Gazetteer
Street look-up
This is a list of the names, locations and an indication of maintenance responsibility for all streets within the National Street Gazetteer – listed by local highway authority.
This list should only be used as an indication of whether a street is publicly maintainable or not. Full detail and extent of maintenance responsibility should be obtained from the relevant local highway authority.
For more information on street status, and how to report a street that might be missing, please use our FAQs.
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Bath & North East Somerset
Map Link |
Street Name
Locality | Town | Status | Maintaining Party | Classification |
Map | STANTON ROAD | CHEW MAGNA | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | B road |
Map | STANTON ROAD | STANTON DREW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | B road |
Map | STANTON ROAD | PENSFORD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | B road |
Map | STANTON WICK FARM LANE | STANTON DREW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STANTON WICK LANE | STANTON DREW | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | STANWAY CLOSE | ODD DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STAPLE GROVE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STAPLES HILL | FRESHFORD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | STATION APPROACH | PENSFORD | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STATION ROAD | WELLOW | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STATION ROAD | FRESHFORD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STATION ROAD | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STATION ROAD | WELTON | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road |
Map | STATION ROAD | CLUTTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | STATION ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road | |
Map | STATION ROAD | NEWBRIDGE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STATION ROAD CAR PARK | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STATION VIEW | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STAUNTON FIELDS | WHITCHURCH | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STAUNTON LANE | WHITCHURCH | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STAUNTON LANE TRACK | WHITCHURCH | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STAUNTON WAY | WHITCHURCH | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST BARNABAS CLOSE | WELTON | MIDSOMER NORTON | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST CATHERINE LANE | ST CATHERINE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road |
Map | ST CATHERINE'S CLOSE | BATHWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST CHAD'S AVENUE | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST CHAD'S GREEN | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST CHARLES CLOSE | WELTON | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST CHRISTOPHER'S CLOSE | BATHWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST CLEMENT'S COURT | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST CLEMENT'S ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST CLEMENT'S ROAD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST DUNSTAN'S CLOSE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STEAM MILLS | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STEEL MILLS | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STENNARD GREEN | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS ASHLEIGH CLOSE TO SOMERSET WAY | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS AT REAR OF 35 TO 49 BLACKMORE DRIVE | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS BOYCE AVENUE TO TANNERS WALK | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS BURNETT CLOSE TO OXLEAZE WAY | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS GREEN PARK MEWS TO MIDLAND BRIDGE ROAD | KINGSMEAD | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS HILLCREST DRIVE TO IVY AVENUE | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS IVY BANK PARK TO DRAKE AVENUE | COMBE DOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS LONG VALLEY ROAD TO SHERIDAN ROAD | TWERTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS SION HILL TO SOMERSET PLACE | LANSDOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS ST STEPHEN'S ROAD | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEPS ST STEPHENS ROAD TO ST STEPHENS CLOSE | LANSDOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STEWAY LANE | BATHEASTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST FRANCIS ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST GEORGE'S HILL | BATHAMPTON | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST GEORGE'S PLACE | KINGSMEAD | BATH | Street for addressing purposes only | Street for addressing purposes only | A road |
Map | ST GEORGE'S ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STIDHAM FARM LANE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STIDHAM LANE | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STILEMEAD LANE | UBLEY | BRISTOL | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STIRLING WAY | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | STIRTINGALE AVENUE | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STIRTINGALE ROAD | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STITCHINGS LANE | INGLESBATCH | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | STITCHINGS SHORD LANE | BISHOP SUTTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JAMES'S MEWS | LANSDOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JAMES'S PARADE | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | A road |
Map | ST JAMES'S PARK | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JAMES'S PASSAGE | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JAMES'S PLACE | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JAMES'S SQUARE | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JAMES'S STREET | LANSDOWN | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JOHN'S CLOSE | PEASEDOWN ST JOHN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JOHN'S COURT | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST JOHN'S CRESCENT | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST JOHN'S PLACE | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JOHN'S ROAD | TIMSBURY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JOHN'S ROAD | LOWER WESTON | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JOHN'S ROAD | BATHWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JOSEPH'S CLOSE | SOUTHDOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JULIAN'S ROAD | SHOSCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST JULIEN'S CLOSE | PAULTON | BRISTOL | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST KEYNA COURT | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST KEYNA ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST KILDA'S ROAD | OLDFIELD PARK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST LADOC ROAD | KEYNSHAM | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | C road | |
Map | ST LAWRENCE STREET | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST LUKE'S ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST LUKE'S ROAD | BEAR FLAT | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARGARET'S CLOSE | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST MARK'S CHURCHYARD | WIDCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARK'S CLOSE | KEYNSHAM | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST MARK'S GARDENS | WIDCOMBE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARK'S PLACE | LARKHALL | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARK'S ROAD | MIDSOMER NORTON | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C | |
Map | ST MARK'S ROAD | WIDCOMBE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARTIN'S COURT | ODD DOWN | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARY'S BUILDINGS | LYNCOMBE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARY'S CLOSE | TIMSBURY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARY'S CLOSE | BATHWICK | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARY'S GREEN | TIMSBURY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MARY'S RISE | WRITHLINGTON | RADSTOCK | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MICHAEL'S COURT | MONKTON COMBE | BATH | Not maintainable at public expense | Private Street Manager | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MICHAEL'S PLACE | CITY CENTRE | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |
Map | ST MICHAEL'S ROAD | WHITEWAY | BATH | Maintainable at public expense | Bath & North East Somerset | Neither M, A, B or C |